Oktoberbowl is a NAF-sanctioned Blood Bowl tournament set in Stockholm, Sweden, during the 18th and 19th of October, 2014.

Toughest game of the day

Toughest game of the day coming up with the third round just started. Second round played out until the very end with some real nail-biting situations and crazy blood bowl going on.

Leader after round 2 is still MartinS who managed to beat Zeke73's Ogres on the top table 3-0 although taking 4 casualties. Up-and-come:r of the round is Come who takes seat at the top table for round 3 with his merciless Undead.

Inforthepain's Chaos who performed well in the first round bit the dust against Bim's Amazon in the second round, possibly making Khorne (or maybe Nurgle considering the looks of his warriors..) very unhappy. Kudos to  Inforthepain for bringing Chaos and spreading the field a bit!

For round 3 both Melisqus and Skoberget is hounding the top table trying to make the spot.

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