Oktoberbowl is a NAF-sanctioned Blood Bowl tournament set in Stockholm, Sweden, during the 18th and 19th of October, 2014.


Oktoberbowl has room for 30 coaches, and we apply "first come, first served", meaning that you have secured your spot once the sign-up is completed.

The entry fee is 300 SEK (or 30 EUR), for which you get both lunch and dinner on Saturday in addition to the tournament entry.

You can sign up for Oktoberbowl by sending a mail to oktoberbowl@gmail.com, no later than 6/10, including the following information:

* Real name
* NAF-name & number
* Phonenumber
* Allergies & special food requirements (such as vegan)

You also need to attach a team roster using this template.

Once the mail has been received we will send you a reply including payment information.

The sign-up is complete once this information and payment for entry has been received.

Considering the games are played in an open pub which serves both food and drinks, it is forbidden to bring your own food and/or drink.

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